“True success is reaching our potential without compromising our values.”
- Muhammad Ali
I WILL continue to WORK on:
• Build our clean energy economy increase our energy resilency
• Strengthen and support our local small businesses
• Attract and support a vibrant young workforce by ensuring access to paid family leave, high quality affordable child care, and high-speed broadband for all Vermonters
• Grow our agricultural and forest economies
• Increase affordable housing
• Improve access to affordable health care
• Support our most vulnerable citizens
• Advocate for our rural towns
• Focus on making collective progress towards prosperity
• Increase our passenger rail service in Vermont and connections to neighboring states and Montreal
• Increase the use of on-demand and other forms of smart public transit
• Accelerate to a future of electric transportation
• Support smart growth and designated downtowns
• Increase and improve our bike and pedestrian infrastructure
• Strengthening our democracy with ranked choice voting and support of local election officials
• Model civil discourse and community involvement
• Support students and teachers working to create greater civic awareness and involvement
• Support local independent media
My campaign to be re-elected to the State Senate is not about “winning”. Most importantly it is about the work I am committing to continue as your elected Senator, for the citizens of Vermont, and for our local communities. It is a campaign about getting elected, yes, but it is also about how we discuss politics, engage in elections, be active/engaged community members, and work together for our collective future.
When electoral campaigns are focused on “winning” they cannot avoid being equally about losing. When faced with the possibility of losing many choose not to participate or convince themselves, and others, that the ends justify the means necessary to win. Despite the many benefits of sports, when elections are held in our discourse as sporting events, or worse, as battles among opponents, the result is deleterious to our democracy and our ability to have civil productive discussions and debates about politics and policies. For this reason my campaign is about being elected, not about winning a race or battling opponents. My goal for our elections is to have more and diverse candidates and more voter participation.
The responsibility of being a State Senator should be given to candidates chosen by the voters and not treated as something candidates wrestle away from opponents and hold up to others as a personal triumph. I do not consider the other State Senate (primary or general election ) candidates for the Washington District my opponents. The other candidates should be praised for being involved and bringing forward their own proposals and vision on what they would do if elected or re-elected as a State Senator. My campaign will not work against their campaigns, but to communicate with the people of the 23 towns in the Washington District on what I will do as their State Senator and trust them to decide who would work for and represent their interests best.
I commit to actively reaching out to voters of the district during the campaign and during the legislative session if re-elected. I want to hear from you! Please fill out the contact form and let me know what issue is most important to you, your town, the Washington District, and/or for all of Vermont.